Carrier Defence change
ANet, please change it to trigger only on attacking targets (similar to Wirlwind), or atleast make turtle activate it only if someone attacking it in melee range. Another good solution would be to increase cast time on it.
Right now it will kick you even if you just passing by with amber and even if nobody is attacking turtle. Problem with that is that turtle tends to stop right in the gates making it impossible to pass w/o touching it.
It is already very bad as it is. Like Luxon gank squad knocking you down 3 times in a row and wacking you with their hammers is not enough. Carrier Defence makes you:
1) drop amber
2) travel back thru the same Luxon warriors to pick it up with a good chance to be teleported again
3) 80% of the time camera gets all screwed because of proximity to the walls, so for couple of seconds you go like "wth? where am I?"
There is no reason for it to work the way it does right now.